Late on Friday, May 15, 2020, the Global Liberty Alliance submitted additional information to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in support of the GLA’s April 29 application for precautionary measures on behalf of Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces, an independent journalist and lawyer unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba.
The information included a May 14, 2020 video statement, in which Dr. Quiñones’s son urged Luis Almagro and the IACHR to issue precautionary measures for his father. ![]()
On April 29, 2020, the GLA urged the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to grant Precautionary Measures on behalf of Dr. Roberto de Jesús Quiñones Haces (see cover letter below). An independent journalist and former practicing attorney, Dr. Quiñones has been unlawfully imprisoned in Cuba since September 11, 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has compounded Dr. Quiñones’s health status.
On April 16, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) called for the Cuban government to free Roberto Quiñones, imprisoned journalist, poet, and lawyer, to the custody of his family. GLA issued this statement in support of Mr. Quiñones's family, who are no longer be able to visit him in prison because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and are concerned for his health.
Click on Read More to see GLA's press release. ![]() ¿Cómo me van a hacer romper la cuarentena para algo que no es tan urgente, y que no es nada de vida o muerte? - Rev. Alain Toledano (en la foto) La Alianza por la Libertad Global expresa su solidaridad con los líderes religiosos que han sido censurados y perseguidos por el régimen comunista de Cuba.
El 3 de abril, el gobierno comunista de Cuba excarceló al activista de la oposición cubana José Daniel Ferrer, presidente de la Unión Patriótica de Cuba (“UNPACU” ), junto a tres también miembros de UNPACU Fernando González Vaillant, José Pupo Chaveco, and Roilan Zárraga Ferrer después de más de seis meses de prisión. Lea el comunicado de prensa completo de la GLA a continuación.
On April 3, the Communist government of Cuba released Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (“UNPACU”), along with fellow UNPACU members Fernando González Vaillant, José Pupo Chaveco, and Roilan Zárraga Ferrer, after over six months of imprisonment. The four men have been given four years of house arrest. Mr. Ferrer has been subjected to all forms of torture since his detention. The four men’s March 12 sentence hearing was indefinitely delayed without explanation.
Read GLA’s complete press release below.
La Alianza por la Libertad Global (GLA), Nicaragua Primero USA y Movimiento Campesino de Nicaragua emiten esta Declaración Conjunta al Gobierno Ortega-Murillo de Nicaragua: Su manejo de la crisis COVID-19 en el país está perjudicando a su pueblo. Lean el texto completo más abajo.
Global Liberty Alliance (GLA), Nicaragua Primero USA, and the Nicaraguan Farmers Movement issue this Joint Statement to Nicaragua’s Ortega-Murillo government: Your handling of the COVID-19 crisis in your country is endangering your people. Read the full text below.
Days After Cuba Closes Schools, Mother Serves Out Sentence for Homeschooling
Today, March 27, 2020, Ayda Expósito Leyva, a Guantánamo pastor, wife of Pastor Ramón Rigal Rodríguez, and mother of two, was released from a yearlong prison sentence for having home-schooled her children. Her husband remains in prison until 2021. GLA is fighting against Cuba’s weak rule of law on behalf of the Rigal family; read our press release on the matter below.
2020.03.27 - PR Rigal Expós... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd MADRE QUE EDUCA EN EL HOGAR SALE DE LA CÁRCEL
Escuelas cubanas cerradas, la madre completó sanción por educar en casa
Al día de hoy, el 27 de marzo de 2020, Ayda Expósito Leyva, pastora protestante de Guantánamo, esposa del Pastor Ramón Rigal Rodríguez y madre de dos hijos, fue liberada, tras 11 meses de cárcel por haber educado a sus hijos en el hogar. Su esposo se queda en prisión hasta el 2021. GLA sigue luchando contra el flojo imperio de la ley en Cuba por la familia Rigal; lea nuestro comunicado de prensa sobre el asunto a continuación. 2020.03.27 - CP Libertad de... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd GLA URGES THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO RE-ASSESS CUBA TRAVEL AND WARNINGS OVER COVID-19 WUHAN VIRUS3/11/2020
On March 11, The Global Liberty Alliance urged the Trump administration to consider reassessing travel warnings and protocols for travel to and from Cuba. Read the letter to Secretary of State Pompeo.