Thousands of Cubans took to the streets on Sunday in several cities throughout their island nation to peacefully assemble and protest, calling for liberty, free exercise of their fundamental freedoms, and change. Cuban state security forces were deployed, and many demonstrators were beaten, arrested and disappeared by the evening. The whereabouts of many are still unknown.
On June 16, independent journalist and human rights activist Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca appeared at the Zapata y C police station in Havana after receiving a summons two days prior. Valle Roca was presumably asked to appear by the National Revolutionary Police to close a case opened against him in 2020, for the crime of contempt (“desacato”).
On Thursday, May 20, the Global Liberty Alliance applied for Precautionary Measures on behalf of Cuban journalists Mr. Roberto Rodriguez Cardona and his wife, Mrs. Marelys Fonseca Viltres.
Over the weekend, GLA was informed that on Thursday, April 22, the Organization of American States (OAS)'s Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) granted precautionary measures to protect the young Cuban journalist Yoe Suárez, who has been suffering from repression and harassment for over a year. You can read more in the press release below.
On Friday, March 19, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) filed an application for Precautionary Measures with the Organization of American States' Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), on behalf of Cuban journalist Yoe Suárez. Mr. Suárez and his family have been suffering detentions, harassment, and threats over the past year.
Read the GLA Press Release and cover letter for the filing below.
On March 9, the Organization of American States' Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued Precautionary Measures to protect Cuban journalist and lawyer Roberto Quiñones Haces. The Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) applied for precautionary measures in April 2020, when Mr. Quiñones was in prison for journalism, and has been updating the Commission since that time. Even after his September 2020 release, Mr. Quiñones continued to suffer intimidation and harassment from Cuban officials.
Read the GLA press release and Precautionary Measure itself below. In a report filed today with the Organization of American States's Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the Global Liberty Alliance stated that Cuban journalist Roberto Quiñones suffered continued repression, harassment, threats, and surveillance by the Cuban regime, since his release from prison in September 2020.
On December 21, the Global Liberty Alliance was informed that the Organization of American States's Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued Precautionary Measures to protect the persecuted Cuban independent journalist Niober García Fournier. Mr. García Fournier has undergone near constant surveillance, harassment, and threats by Cuban police in the last few months. In September, he was even beaten.
Read the press release below.
On Tuesday, November 3, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) applied for Precautionary Measures to protect a Cuban journalist, who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons. Read the GLA press release below.
On August 12, 2020, Cuban police threatened to revoke Palenque Visión journalist Mr. Rolando Rodríguez’s parole on a trumped-up charge. Police summoned Mr. Rodríguez’s wife, Ms. Yadisley Rodríguez, also a journalist, to the station, and alleged that the family had violated parole by leaving the province, a claim that the family asserts is untrue. Because of this and their dissident journalism, the police assert the parents could both lose custody of their children.
These threats follow on the heels of a home raiding. On the night of Monday, July 27, Cuban State Security broke into and raided the Camagüey home of journalists from Palenque Visión, Yadisley Rodríguez and Rolando Rodríguez. They frightened the children and confiscated the family’s technology in an attempt to gain access to Mr. Rodríguez. They also threatened to “reeducate” Mr. Rodriguez, jail Ms. Rodríguez, and take custody of their children in their efforts to extract further information. Read more about the repression of the Rodríguezes at the following links: |