Yesterday, December 8, marked one week since Cuban political prisoner Silverio Portal Contreras was announced as released from prison. Two years into a four-year sentence for "public disorder" and suffering from cardiovascular ailments and a prison injury, Mr. Portal was granted medical release.
A GLA network lawyer (whose name is withheld for security reasons) filed several appeals of Mr. Portal's sentence and applications for parole in 2020, which were instrumental in his release. See the press release below. ![]()
On November 24, GLA network attorneys published a legal Opinion (Dictamen) that discusses how the National Revolutionary Police of Cuba are criminally responsible for violating the human rights of San Isidro Movement member Denis Solís González (pictured at left).
Cuba is a totalitarian police state that uses the color of law to project political legitimacy, yet Cuban officials systemically violate Cuban "laws and regulations." In this Dictamen, for example, lawyers working outside the state legal system detail violations of the fundamental rights of San Isidro Movement group member, Denis Solís González.
Yesterday, on September 30, 2020, two Cuban women who are members of the Association of Free Yorubas executive committee were arrested, held overnight, and beaten by State Security.
![]() Yesterday, on June 25, 2020, evangelical Pastor Ramón Rigal Rodríguez, of Guantánamo, Cuba, was released after over a year of unlawful imprisonment. Pastor Rigal and his wife, Adya Expósito, were sentenced in May 2019 to two and one-and-a-half years of prison for homeschooling their children. In close collaboration with the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) in Purcellville, Virginia, and with Cuban religious leaders, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) has been advocating for the release of the Rigal parents since their trial. In late April 2019, the GLA and the HSLDA petitioned the Organization of American States’ Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) for precautionary measures to protect the Rigal family and press Cuba to release them. While the Rigal family is finally reunited, as Radio Televisión Martí has said, the reporter who covered their trial, GLA client Roberto Quiñones, is still unjustly imprisoned. You can find more information about GLA’s advocacy for the Rigal-Expósito family here. GLA is committed to defending fundamental rights, such as freedom of religion and of belief. You can learn more about GLA’s work on our Facebook page or our Twitter account.
On April 16, the Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) called for the Cuban government to free Roberto Quiñones, imprisoned journalist, poet, and lawyer, to the custody of his family. GLA issued this statement in support of Mr. Quiñones's family, who are no longer be able to visit him in prison because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and are concerned for his health.
Click on Read More to see GLA's press release. Days After Cuba Closes Schools, Mother Serves Out Sentence for Homeschooling
Today, March 27, 2020, Ayda Expósito Leyva, a Guantánamo pastor, wife of Pastor Ramón Rigal Rodríguez, and mother of two, was released from a yearlong prison sentence for having home-schooled her children. Her husband remains in prison until 2021. GLA is fighting against Cuba’s weak rule of law on behalf of the Rigal family; read our press release on the matter below.
2020.03.27 - PR Rigal Expós... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd MADRE QUE EDUCA EN EL HOGAR SALE DE LA CÁRCEL
Escuelas cubanas cerradas, la madre completó sanción por educar en casa
Al día de hoy, el 27 de marzo de 2020, Ayda Expósito Leyva, pastora protestante de Guantánamo, esposa del Pastor Ramón Rigal Rodríguez y madre de dos hijos, fue liberada, tras 11 meses de cárcel por haber educado a sus hijos en el hogar. Su esposo se queda en prisión hasta el 2021. GLA sigue luchando contra el flojo imperio de la ley en Cuba por la familia Rigal; lea nuestro comunicado de prensa sobre el asunto a continuación. 2020.03.27 - CP Libertad de... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd GLA ALERT: LADIES IN WHITE JAILED FOR 8 DAYS / ALERTA GLA: DAMAS DE BLANCO DETENIDAS POR 8 DÍAS3/17/2020
From March 6 to early March 14, 2020, two Ladies in White were detained and held in jail without cause, and prevented from having visitors. See below for more details:
2020.03.17 - Media Alert La... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd
Desde el 6 hasta el 14 de marzo, dos Damas de Blanco fueron detenidas, encarceladas y alejadas de visitas, sin causa alguna. Véase el documento a continuación para más detalles:
2020.03.17 - Alerta GLA Dam... by Veronica Mayer on Scribd Alexandria, Virginia – For several weeks, the Communist government of Cuba and the party apparatus have ruthlessly targeted Cuban opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (“UNPACU”). Unlawfully detained on October 1, 2019, Mr. Ferrer has since been subjected to all forms of torture.
With the support of Mr. Ferrer’s family and a coalition that represents a large cross-section of Cuba’s opposition movement, the Global Liberty Alliance (“GLA”) requested that the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights of the Organization of American States press the Cuban government to adopt precautionary measures to protect the lives of Mr. Ferrer and his other UNPACU colleagues who have been unlawfully detained in Cuba for weeks. Attached is the complete press release with supporting documentation.
Zakka Family Appreciates Continued Support Of The U.S. Government
Yesterday, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo delivered remarks at the Department of State to families of American citizens and U.S Legal Permanent residents held captive abroad. Mr. Omar Zakka, the youngest son of Mr. Nizar Zakka, who last month testified before Congress a second time about his father’s case, was at the State Department for meetings with senior U.S. officials including Secretary of State of Mike Pompeo.
“On behalf of my father and the rest of the Zakka family, I thanked Secretary Pompeo and his team for what they are doing to help bring my dad home. I am confident if Lebanon were to fully help the United States, my father would be home. Lebanon and all parties in a position to do so should follow the example of the Trump administration and help my father,” Omar said.
Mr. Nizar Zakka was in Iran at the invitation of the Iranian government, a guest of the former Vice President Shahindokht Molaverdi. Upon information and belief, Mr. Zakka was unlawfully detained and kidnapped on September 18, 2015, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC); and it is probable Mr. Zakka’s abduction was orchestrated to coincide on or about September 17, the last day of the U.S. Congressional review period of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The following press release was issued by Mr. Zakka’s US Attorney following yesterday’s events. UPDATE 24-Omar Zakka Meets ... by pobletetamargo on Scribd
Secretary Pompeo’s remarks can be viewed below.
Earlier today, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism held a hearing titled, “The Status of American Hostages in Iran.” Mr. Omar Zakka, the youngest son of Mr. Nizar Zakka, testified before the Committee on Nizar’s ongoing unlawful detention. Statement on U.S. Congressional Hearing to Secure Release of Hostages in IranZakka Family Appreciates Continued Support Of The U.S. Congress The Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on the Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism held a hearing today, The Status of American Hostages in Iran. Mr. Omar Zakka, the youngest son of Mr. Nizar Zakka, testified before the Committee. Mr. Zakka is a U.S. Legal Permanent Resident and U.S.-based ICT professional who has been held hostage in Iran since 2015. “We ask this government to take all available legal and diplomatic measures to reunite us with our father. We ask this government to do the same for all the families of the other hostages. Help us reunite with our father,” Omar told members of the committee this afternoon. His testimony is available at the Committee website. The Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) is a long-time human rights champion and has been working for several years to secure the release of Americans and U.S. LPRs unlawfully detained in Iran and elsewhere. Rep. Deutch in his opening remarks stated: “Iran’s despicable practice of holding American’s and other foreign nationals hostage should not be tolerated by any responsible nation.” He went on to discuss Mr. Zakka’s case emphasizing his unjust detainment. “Nizar is an IT professional who was invited to Iran to participate in an IT conference. Let me say that again. He was invited to the country. And then detained.” Chairman Deutch and Ranking Member Joe Wilson (R-S.C.) announced at today’s hearing a number of Congressional proposals to strengthen U.S. hostage policy including the ‘‘Robert Levinson Hostage Recovery and Hostage-Taking Accountability Act of 2019.” A Congressional resolution has also been introduced on Iran hostages. “This is the second time Omar has presented his dad’s case to the Congress and, frankly, Omar hopes it will be the last time. As many as 12 nations appear to have foreigners unlawfully deprived of liberty in Iran. Nizar’s case and others like it are an international problem that requires multilateral cooperation, including nations in a position to help such as Lebanon. Talks based solely on humanitarian issues should be established with Iran to help Nizar and other hostages. With political will it’s possible to bring him home soon,” said Jason Poblete, Mr. Nizar Zakka’s attorney in the United States. Follow this link for more information about the hearing, including Omar’s testimony and video clips of the hearing. |