On July 17, a group of 60 Catholic priests from Brazil along with former students at the Pontifical International College Maria Mater Eclesiae in Rome wrote a letter of solidarity to Father Castor Álvarez, priest of the Archdiocese of Camaguey, Cuba, after he was beaten and detained July 11, while defending young protestors from violence.
"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” (Matthew 5: 9)
Fr. Castor was unlawfully held at the Montecarlo police station in Camagüey and accused of public disorder following attempts to protect youth protestors on July 11. He was released into the custody of the Cuban Church the following day. In the letter shared with GLA, the group of priests also denounced harassment and violence being committed against members of the church in Cuba. “Father Castor Alvarez and his fellow priests, and other faith leaders in the FoRB community in Cuba are standing together, doing what is best for their people. The free world should rally to their side,” said GLA President Jason Poblete. The Global Liberty Alliance will continue to monitor violations of fundamental rights, including that of freedom of religion or belief (“FoRB”), and will defend those whose rights are violated, in Cuba and around the globe. See below for the full letter (In Spanish).
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