WASHINGTON, D.C., May 8, 2024 — The Global Liberty Alliance (GLA) has formally reported to the Organization of American States' International Commission on Human Rights (ICHR) regarding the severe human rights violations by the Cuban government against members of the Association of Free Yorubas of Cuba (Asociación de Yorubas Libres de Cuba, or “Free Yorubas”) who are regular victims of harassment by Cuban State Security. These include the following individual cases: Lisdany Rodriguez Isaac - GLA has presented evidence suggesting that the Cuban authorities attempted to coerce Lisdany Rodríguez Isaac into undergoing an abortion. She has also been denied medical care by prison officials, further exacerbating their ordeal. Lisdiany Rodriguez Isaac - Sister to Lisdany, Lisdiany remains imprisoned due to her criticisms of the government, despite her eligibility for release. See our previous article https://www.globallibertyalliance.org/free-yorubas-of-cuba-regularly-attacked-for-faith.html And another case Niober Fournier - The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States (OAS) has acknowledged the ongoing harassment of Niober Fournier and his family by Cuban authorities, demanding a formal response from the government. For more information: http://www.oas.org/en/iachr/decisions/pdf/2020/96-20MC1043-20-CB.pdf GLA joins this call, urging an immediate halt to their persecution and advocating for the freedom not only for the aforementioned individuals, but Loreto Hernandez Garcia and Donaida Perez Paseiro, individuals also represented by GLA. Loreto and Donaida are not only husband and wife but founders of the Association of Free Yorubas of Cuba who are also in prison due to their participation in the July 11th protests. GLA strongly condemns these inhumane actions, highlighting the government's disregard for both Cuban and international laws concerning human rights. The organization urgently calls for their immediate release, fellow members of the Free Yorubas, who are similarly detained under oppressive conditions. GLA remains steadfast in its mission to support victims of governmental oppression and will continue to press for substantial responses from international bodies and the Cuban government itself. Give. Help us do more and make a difference in Cuba. Global Liberty Alliance is dedicated to protecting fundamental individual rights, free enterprise, and the rule of law in the US around the world.
We defend people whose fundamental rights are under assault by a government entity, including hostages, and work with human rights defenders in places such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Latin America, Iran, and China. We believe all fundamental rights are God-given, not a creation of the state. Join us and support this work. Your gifts help us reach more people and take on more cases. Comments are closed.